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Shaheed Fatima, 1999

Shaheed Fatima, 1999

My year as a Kennedy Scholar at HLS was one of the best years of my academic life.

I was a Kennedy Scholar at Harvard Law School (HLS) from 1999-2000. After completing my LLB (Hons) at the University of Glasgow (1993-1997), I did the BCL at St John's College, Oxford (1997-1998).

I spent the following year, 1998-1999, teaching contract law at Pembroke and Corpus Christi Colleges, Oxford and as a research assistant for Sir Peter North (regarding the 1999 edition of Cheshire and North's Private International Law).

My year as a Kennedy Scholar at HLS was one of the best years of my academic life. I was privileged to enjoy the Harvard experience - choosing from an enormous and wide-ranging subject list (I did 6 papers plus a thesis); experiencing 'cold-calling' and the renowned Socratic teaching method (Professor Elizabeth Warren - contract law - has to be seen to be believed); participating in the lively extra-curricular activities (I was part of Harvard's Jessup Moot Court Team) and, most importantly, forming precious lasting friendships with other students and Kennedy Scholars.

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